Last week I received a flyer in the mail for a seminar at DTS entitled "Beautify: A Makeover from the Inside Out." Okay, so I'm trying not to read into things, but that does just happen to be the perfect subject for me right now.
"Come hear how to makeover your everyday life from two great speakers: Del Garippa will be speaking on how to find Physical and Spiritual Balance and Marylyn Leonard will share great tips on Time Management & Organizational Skills."
And it's FREE! I'm not sure it could be more perfect.
My husband has very kindly agreed to watch the kiddos (not an easy task) in lieu of working on his papers (a HUGE sacrifice)...AND he's even taking our toddler to his buddy's 2 year birthday party. That's love.
I have high hopes for this seminar. I'm so excited!
A one year endeavor to define beauty according to God, and to refine myself by what I find.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Month 1: Beauty Foods
For this first month I'm just doing a little bit of research and trying to come up with a game plan. Today I just Googled "beauty foods" and here's what I found on Cooking Light's website under the title "Foods to get you fit and beautiful".
1. Strawberries
Did you know that in addition to being a delicious fruit strawberries can also keep your skin looking gorgeous? The vitamin C in strawberries acts as an important building block of collagen—the underlying supporting structure of skin. Just 1 cup of strawberries contains over 100% of your daily vitamin C needs.
2. Chile Peppers
Eating even one meal that contains capsaicin—the compound that gives hot sauce and chile peppers their heat—not only reduces levels of hunger-causing ghrelin, but also raises GLP-1, an appetite-suppressing hormone, indicates research in the European Journal of Nutrition. Scientists also found that people who drank capsaicin-spiced tomato juice before each meal over the course of two days ingested 16% fewer calories than those who drank it plain.
3. Romaine Lettuce
Just six leaves of romaine lettuce provide more than 100% of your DV of vitamin A, which revitalizes skin by increasing cell turnover. Plus the mineral potassium in romaine gives skin a refreshing boost of nutrients and oxygen by improving circulation.
4. Tomatoes
Eating red may help save your skin from turning red! Volunteers who consumed 5 tablespoons of high-in-lycopene tomato paste daily for 3 months had nearly 25% more protection against sunburn in one study.
5. Apples
Quercetin, an antioxidant in the peel of many varieties, provides some protection from the "burning" UVB rays that can trigger skin cancer. For the biggest quercetin concentration, look for Cortland, Golden Delicious, and Monroe varieties.
6. Walnuts
Walnuts are storehouses of alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 fat that's a key component of the lubricating layer that keeps skin moist and supple. A ½-ounce serving of walnuts provides 100% of the recommended daily intake of ALA.
7. Olive Oil
This healthy fat contains essential fatty acids that help skin resist UV damage, finds a Lancet Oncology study. EFAs are also part of the cell membranes that help hold in moisture. The body can't synthesize EFAs, so consume about 1 tablespoon of olive oil daily to keep skin supple.
8. Water
Skin cells contain mostly water, and if you're dehydrated, skin can look and feel parched. While the “8 glasses a day” rule is no longer valid, it’s important to stay hydrated throughout the day by drinking when you're thirsty.
9. Tea
Tea is rich in antioxidants that decrease inflammation and protect cell membranes. Some studies have shown that tea may also reduce the damage of sunburns and overexposure to ultraviolet light. Green tea is especially rich in a compound known as EGCG which may acts as a "fountain of youth" of sorts for skin by reactivating dying skin cells.
10. Banana Face Pack for Dry Skin
Try applying some of mother nature’s benefits to your beauty routine. We found some of our favorite fruits and veggies do the body good, from the inside out, like with this dry-skin mask.
Mash half of a ripe banana; combine banana with ½ cup of plain yogurt and 1 tablespoon of honey. Apply this pack on face and neck and leave for 10 minutes; rinse thoroughly. This natural pairing helps moisturize dry skin.
11. Cucumber Face Pack for Smoother Skin
Gritty sugar and cooling cucumber work together in this natural face mask, giving you a smoother, fresher face.
Peel 1 cucumber and mash; place in a strainer to drain water. Add 1 tablespoon of sugar and mix well. Apply on your face and leave for 10 minutes, then wash with cold water.
12. Oatmeal Face and Body Pack for Sensitive Skin
No need to buy the latest beauty product on the shelves…you probably have what you need for this face remedy in your pantry.
Take 2 tablespoons oatmeal and 1 tablespoons baking soda and add water to make paste. Apply to face and all over the skin; rub gently and rinse.
Women's Health Magazine adds to these blueberries, pomegranates, dark chocolate, spinach, yogurt, kiwi, edamame, sweet potatoes, carrots, butternut squash, and specifies green tea as having the highest concentration of catechins.
It looks like I have a lot of salads and smoothies in my future!
For full articles -
Cooking Light:
Women's Health:
1. Strawberries
Did you know that in addition to being a delicious fruit strawberries can also keep your skin looking gorgeous? The vitamin C in strawberries acts as an important building block of collagen—the underlying supporting structure of skin. Just 1 cup of strawberries contains over 100% of your daily vitamin C needs.
2. Chile Peppers
Eating even one meal that contains capsaicin—the compound that gives hot sauce and chile peppers their heat—not only reduces levels of hunger-causing ghrelin, but also raises GLP-1, an appetite-suppressing hormone, indicates research in the European Journal of Nutrition. Scientists also found that people who drank capsaicin-spiced tomato juice before each meal over the course of two days ingested 16% fewer calories than those who drank it plain.
3. Romaine Lettuce
Just six leaves of romaine lettuce provide more than 100% of your DV of vitamin A, which revitalizes skin by increasing cell turnover. Plus the mineral potassium in romaine gives skin a refreshing boost of nutrients and oxygen by improving circulation.
4. Tomatoes
Eating red may help save your skin from turning red! Volunteers who consumed 5 tablespoons of high-in-lycopene tomato paste daily for 3 months had nearly 25% more protection against sunburn in one study.
5. Apples
Quercetin, an antioxidant in the peel of many varieties, provides some protection from the "burning" UVB rays that can trigger skin cancer. For the biggest quercetin concentration, look for Cortland, Golden Delicious, and Monroe varieties.
6. Walnuts
Walnuts are storehouses of alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 fat that's a key component of the lubricating layer that keeps skin moist and supple. A ½-ounce serving of walnuts provides 100% of the recommended daily intake of ALA.
7. Olive Oil
This healthy fat contains essential fatty acids that help skin resist UV damage, finds a Lancet Oncology study. EFAs are also part of the cell membranes that help hold in moisture. The body can't synthesize EFAs, so consume about 1 tablespoon of olive oil daily to keep skin supple.
8. Water
Skin cells contain mostly water, and if you're dehydrated, skin can look and feel parched. While the “8 glasses a day” rule is no longer valid, it’s important to stay hydrated throughout the day by drinking when you're thirsty.
9. Tea
Tea is rich in antioxidants that decrease inflammation and protect cell membranes. Some studies have shown that tea may also reduce the damage of sunburns and overexposure to ultraviolet light. Green tea is especially rich in a compound known as EGCG which may acts as a "fountain of youth" of sorts for skin by reactivating dying skin cells.
10. Banana Face Pack for Dry Skin
Try applying some of mother nature’s benefits to your beauty routine. We found some of our favorite fruits and veggies do the body good, from the inside out, like with this dry-skin mask.
Mash half of a ripe banana; combine banana with ½ cup of plain yogurt and 1 tablespoon of honey. Apply this pack on face and neck and leave for 10 minutes; rinse thoroughly. This natural pairing helps moisturize dry skin.
11. Cucumber Face Pack for Smoother Skin
Gritty sugar and cooling cucumber work together in this natural face mask, giving you a smoother, fresher face.
Peel 1 cucumber and mash; place in a strainer to drain water. Add 1 tablespoon of sugar and mix well. Apply on your face and leave for 10 minutes, then wash with cold water.
12. Oatmeal Face and Body Pack for Sensitive Skin
No need to buy the latest beauty product on the shelves…you probably have what you need for this face remedy in your pantry.
Take 2 tablespoons oatmeal and 1 tablespoons baking soda and add water to make paste. Apply to face and all over the skin; rub gently and rinse.
Women's Health Magazine adds to these blueberries, pomegranates, dark chocolate, spinach, yogurt, kiwi, edamame, sweet potatoes, carrots, butternut squash, and specifies green tea as having the highest concentration of catechins.
It looks like I have a lot of salads and smoothies in my future!
For full articles -
Cooking Light:
Women's Health:
Friday, October 21, 2011
Month 1: Inside or Out?
A friend asked me the other day if my goal in doing this project was physical beauty or inward beauty. I had to think about it for a second because, like I've said, I'm still totally formulating my thoughts and goals for this project.
"Both," I eventually said.
We have been told what is beautiful our whole lives and most of us will never live up to the standards we've been given. I've read that even Victoria's Secret models have "fat days". Surely if the standard for beauty is completely unattainable, then it's the wrong standard. I want to redefine "beauty" for myself, and I want to do it according to God. After all, He is the one who came up with the whole idea of beauty in the first place.
He created the sunsets. He created the ocean. He created love. He created the human body. He created intimacy. He created hair, and teeth, and noses, and smiles, and laughs, and voices, and personalities, and passions. Out of anyone, He is the beauty guru I most trust.
I want to spend the next year filling my heart and head with Scripture that helps me to understand what is truly beautiful based on what beauty was designed to be.
Then I want to do something with it. I want to exhibit the beautiful God who made me. I want to understand His standards of beauty. I don't want to be afraid to feel beautiful. God makes good things, and I want to be the best "good" I can be...and I want to have fun doing it because enjoying life is beautiful.
And I haven't done much research yet, but I have a hunch that beautifying my soul (through seeking God's definition and purpose) will have a beautifying effect on my inner self (things like stress and joy and contentment) which will have a beautifying effect on my body.
So there it is. "Both". Inside and out. Soul and body. Me and me. A journey in beautification of my whole being.
"Both," I eventually said.
We have been told what is beautiful our whole lives and most of us will never live up to the standards we've been given. I've read that even Victoria's Secret models have "fat days". Surely if the standard for beauty is completely unattainable, then it's the wrong standard. I want to redefine "beauty" for myself, and I want to do it according to God. After all, He is the one who came up with the whole idea of beauty in the first place.
He created the sunsets. He created the ocean. He created love. He created the human body. He created intimacy. He created hair, and teeth, and noses, and smiles, and laughs, and voices, and personalities, and passions. Out of anyone, He is the beauty guru I most trust.
I want to spend the next year filling my heart and head with Scripture that helps me to understand what is truly beautiful based on what beauty was designed to be.
Then I want to do something with it. I want to exhibit the beautiful God who made me. I want to understand His standards of beauty. I don't want to be afraid to feel beautiful. God makes good things, and I want to be the best "good" I can be...and I want to have fun doing it because enjoying life is beautiful.
And I haven't done much research yet, but I have a hunch that beautifying my soul (through seeking God's definition and purpose) will have a beautifying effect on my inner self (things like stress and joy and contentment) which will have a beautifying effect on my body.
So there it is. "Both". Inside and out. Soul and body. Me and me. A journey in beautification of my whole being.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Month 1: Easy Does It
Did I mention I came up with this idea only 2 days ago? I have so not figured it all out yet!
When looking at making a commitment for a whole year of my life, I realize there are some things that are going to be absolutely necessary for me to see this through to the end.
1. Motivation - I know I'm going to get tired, bored, discouraged, lazy, and many other adjectives, I'm sure, so I will need something bigger and deeper than this totally fab idea and my dreams about what I will look and feel like a year from now. I'm going to need some divine inspiration and probably a few pithy sayings (easily memorized) to give myself the little oomph I'll need when this bright-eyed and bushy-tailed feeling wears off.
2. Focus - I know I'm never going to look like Gwyneth, but I also know that as time moves on and I keep not looking like Gwyneth, I'm going to get disappointed. So much work, so little results! I want to spend my time understanding God's standard of beauty, not Hollywood's (I know, crazy to suggest that the two might differ), and to strive to find God's beauty in myself. I want to please Him, not get noticed.
3. Ideas - I don't have a clue what I'm doing. I have a couple of things in mind as far as alternative face washes and body lotions, but in the grand scheme of things I'm oblivious to this whole "beauty" thing. I'm really excited to find out some new tips, tricks, and hints, but first I need to figure out where to even start. Where do I even find this stuff?
4. Accountability - Hence the blog. I figure if I put myself out there and really open myself up to those around me that I will be more driven to finish what I start. Plus, maybe someone else has some ideas, or at least knows how to really use this "internet" thing.
5. Grace - I'm a wife, mommy, daughter/sister/aunt, friend, and sinner...I'm going to fail. There will be days, maybe even weeks, that I fall off-track. For instance, my 2-month-old was sick this week and I barely made it out of my pajamas every day, much less showered. But I need to be gracious with myself, to not give up, to find my feet again, and to not spiral downward as a result. Oh God, teach me how to be gracious with myself!
I'm excited to see where this year takes me, and I'm looking forward to spending this month coming up with a plan for the year.
So far I don't have much a plan for the month other than doing everything I should have been doing all along (i.e. eating fruits/veggies, drinking water, getting sleep, etc.), but every day I'm getting more ideas.
When looking at making a commitment for a whole year of my life, I realize there are some things that are going to be absolutely necessary for me to see this through to the end.
1. Motivation - I know I'm going to get tired, bored, discouraged, lazy, and many other adjectives, I'm sure, so I will need something bigger and deeper than this totally fab idea and my dreams about what I will look and feel like a year from now. I'm going to need some divine inspiration and probably a few pithy sayings (easily memorized) to give myself the little oomph I'll need when this bright-eyed and bushy-tailed feeling wears off.
2. Focus - I know I'm never going to look like Gwyneth, but I also know that as time moves on and I keep not looking like Gwyneth, I'm going to get disappointed. So much work, so little results! I want to spend my time understanding God's standard of beauty, not Hollywood's (I know, crazy to suggest that the two might differ), and to strive to find God's beauty in myself. I want to please Him, not get noticed.
3. Ideas - I don't have a clue what I'm doing. I have a couple of things in mind as far as alternative face washes and body lotions, but in the grand scheme of things I'm oblivious to this whole "beauty" thing. I'm really excited to find out some new tips, tricks, and hints, but first I need to figure out where to even start. Where do I even find this stuff?
4. Accountability - Hence the blog. I figure if I put myself out there and really open myself up to those around me that I will be more driven to finish what I start. Plus, maybe someone else has some ideas, or at least knows how to really use this "internet" thing.
5. Grace - I'm a wife, mommy, daughter/sister/aunt, friend, and sinner...I'm going to fail. There will be days, maybe even weeks, that I fall off-track. For instance, my 2-month-old was sick this week and I barely made it out of my pajamas every day, much less showered. But I need to be gracious with myself, to not give up, to find my feet again, and to not spiral downward as a result. Oh God, teach me how to be gracious with myself!
I'm excited to see where this year takes me, and I'm looking forward to spending this month coming up with a plan for the year.
So far I don't have much a plan for the month other than doing everything I should have been doing all along (i.e. eating fruits/veggies, drinking water, getting sleep, etc.), but every day I'm getting more ideas.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Today is My 29th Birthday
...and I wanted to do something a little different to celebrate this year.
If you're like me, you read the book of Esther with a tinge of jealousy. Obviously I'm not jealous that someone was trying to annihilate her entire people group and that she had to put her life on the line to save them, but I am jealous of a whole year of beauty treatments. What girl in her right mind wouldn't want that?! To be primped and pampered for a whole year with the sole objective of drawing to the surface every ounce of beauty buried within you.
Well, why not? Why not dedicate a year to learning new ways to bring whatever beauty God has put inside of me to the surface? Sure, I can't commit every moment of every day for the next year to looking fit for a king (and I'm sorry for my husband's sake that I can't), but I can do what I'm able and see where it takes me.
So here it is: The Esther Project. From October 15, 2011 through October 15, 2012 I will commit myself to doing what I can to look and feel as beautiful as God has made me to be.
I don't know how to do it. I don't know what it will look like. I'm not even quite sure how to articulate my goal, but I'm excited to see where this road leads me.
My plan is to separate the next year into 1 month increments with a different theme for each month. Each month I will do a bit of research and find out some secrets for the theme of that month. As I move through the year I will add things to my "beauty regimen", and in 1 year we'll assess any changes, both inside and out.
My hope is that my birthday present to myself next year will totally be worth it!
"Every woman deserves to look and feel her best, just as God created her[...] When we lose touch with our true selves, we lose touch with the spiritual nature of God's design, and His unique artistry expressed through us."
~Ginger Garrett - Beauty Secrets of the Bible
If you're like me, you read the book of Esther with a tinge of jealousy. Obviously I'm not jealous that someone was trying to annihilate her entire people group and that she had to put her life on the line to save them, but I am jealous of a whole year of beauty treatments. What girl in her right mind wouldn't want that?! To be primped and pampered for a whole year with the sole objective of drawing to the surface every ounce of beauty buried within you.
So here it is: The Esther Project. From October 15, 2011 through October 15, 2012 I will commit myself to doing what I can to look and feel as beautiful as God has made me to be.
I don't know how to do it. I don't know what it will look like. I'm not even quite sure how to articulate my goal, but I'm excited to see where this road leads me.
My plan is to separate the next year into 1 month increments with a different theme for each month. Each month I will do a bit of research and find out some secrets for the theme of that month. As I move through the year I will add things to my "beauty regimen", and in 1 year we'll assess any changes, both inside and out.
My hope is that my birthday present to myself next year will totally be worth it!
"Every woman deserves to look and feel her best, just as God created her[...] When we lose touch with our true selves, we lose touch with the spiritual nature of God's design, and His unique artistry expressed through us."
~Ginger Garrett - Beauty Secrets of the Bible
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